Community Efforts
GDP is committed to building strong and vibrant communities, improving quality of life and making a positive difference where we live and work.

Skyland Trail
John Gordon, Board Member
Skyland Trail is a non-profit, community-based residential and day treatment facility for adults with serious mental illness.
Our clients come with a broad spectrum of treatment histories, from repeated hospitalization to no previous psychiatric treatment.
Skyland Trail’s skilled, dedicated clinical staff is eager to assist in recovery. The most important factor is the client’s full engagement in treatment, starting with renewed hope that a healthier, more stable future is possible.

Friends of English Avenue
John Gordon, Chairman, Co-Founder
In the shadow of downtown Atlanta lies a neighborhood few Atlantans know exist and even fewer have ever seen – English Avenue, or “the bluffs” are a sixty block area littered with trash and dirty needles and inhabited by drug dealers and prostitutes. English Avenue became known to most people on November 21, 2006 when 92 year old Kathryn Johnston was gunned down by Atlanta Police who entered her home with a fraudulently obtained search warrant, as she sat and watched television.
Friends of English Avenue was formed with the purpose of bringing focus to this depressed neighborhood and aggregating resources to accomplish several objectives including:
– Cleaning up the neighborhood
– Driving out the crime
– Developing the community center
– Establishing a playground & park
– Establishing a market
– Planting trees and gardens to beautify the area

Ducks Unlimited
GDP sponsors the annual Atlanta Chapter Banquet
Ducks Unlimited is the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. We conserve, restore and manage wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people. The vision of Ducks Unlimited is to ensure sufficient wetlands to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.